Health Benefits
Grapefruit is a nutritionally-dense fruit. Despite having relatively few calories, it’s loaded with nutrients to help your body thrive. It has also been found to have many different health benefits.
Boosts Immune System
Like many citrus fruits, grapefruit is loaded with vitamin C, a nutrient shown to help boost your body’s immune system. Grapefruit is also loaded with Vitamin A, another vitamin that has been proven to help immune function.This powerful combination could help keep the amount of time you spend sick to a minimum.
Bitterstoffe, Antioxidantien, Vitamin C und diverse Spurenelemente – es lohnt sich, Grapefruit in den Ernährungsplan aufzunehmen. Der Bitterstoff Naringin baut Cholesterin ab, indem er den Blutzuckerspiegel senkt. Das ist auch gut zur Vorbeugung von Diabetes.